Know Before You Go Important Things to Know Before You Go! DETAILED PROGRAMME
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... that Slovenia is the third most forested country in Europe? Almost 60% of its territory is covered by forest. In recent decades, the proportion of forest has been increasing, since every year we plant over 1,200,000 trees.
... that Slovenia has one of the largest brown bear populations in Europe? Between 500 and 700 bears, it is believed.
... that Slovenia is one of the richest countries in Europe in terms of water? It has almost 27,000 kilometers of rivers, streams and other watercourses. It also has numerous thermal and mineral springs and many subterranean waters.
... that Maribor, Slovenia's second-largest city, is home to the oldest vine in the world? Although it is over four hundred years old, its Žametna Črnina grapes still produce 25 liters of wine every year.
... that Slovenia is one of the countries with the largest number of religious buildings per capita in Europe? There are almost 3,000 churches, chapels and religious monuments around Slovenia.
... that 216 km² of Slovenia is covered by vineyards?
... that the official symbol of Ljubljana is the dragon which, according to legend, was killed by the Ancient Greek hero Jason and his intrepid Argonauts on their way through the Ljubljana marshes?